Circular Economy – The need of the hour

Datum: 11. januarja 2021

Ura: 15:00

Konec (ura): 17:00

Not everyone understands the concept of Circular Economy very well, it’s significance and the role in human life and planet. Since it’s a high time to realise that the application of Linear Economy is not sustainable in the long run considering the fact that resources are finite, depleting fast and generating incalculable waste, making the environment toxic and leaving hazardous residual waste catastrophic for all sorts of lives on this planet.

Ecocivilisation is putting our endeavours to create an awareness and sensitisation drive to make a transition from Take – Make – Use – Throw mindset to something as sustainable as circular economy with the series of webinar. We are pleased to hold our first webinar touching the fundamental concept of Circular Economy with its key elements with an eye on the sustainability of the resources used.

Join us in this journey of massive awareness and transition on Jan 11 th, 2021, at 15.00 CET.

Registration link:

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