Vision of a Sustainable Future

Start Date: 5. November 2020

Start Time: 08:00

End Time: 10:00

Each of us has its own experience, its own point of view. 5th of November is the date, to bring them together! Vision of a Sustainable future will be a unique opportunity for the exchange of views between Japan and Slovenia and other EU representatives.

Sustainability, sustainable development and SDGs, sustainable lifestyle and sustainable cities are words we hear often. We committed to a sustainable development, but do we know, where exactly are we headed? How does the destination look like? What is the vision of a truly sustainable world, we would like to live in? Does the World share the same Vision?

Violeta Bulc will be participating as one of four speakers and will share with you the idea of Ecocivilisation and the role it plays in the Vision of a Sustainable Future.

Join us in imagining Society 5.0., Circular Society, Regional Circular and Ecological Sphere and Ecocivilisation, four visions of the future that embrace the concept of sustainability to the fullest.


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