Connectathon ~ Equinox, March 2023: A Global Equinox Gathering of Change Agents

Start Date: 20. March 2023

Start Time: 13:00

End Date: 21. March 2023

End Time: 13:00

This Equinox we continue to explore both the format of how these gatherings will take place in the future, but also the future itself. It is a space where together, we can envision and design a future that is more just and more sustainable than the one we are currently hurtling our way towards. Many scientists believe that we have less than a decade to change our trajectory, so we better get to it.

We will follow the same pattern as the previous Connectathon held back in September 2022, where we held space together for 24 hours with a shared celebration & meditation at the point of the Equinox and discussions on both sides. The date we gather is Monday 20 March 2023 and we will start at 12:00 UTC and run all the way through to 13:00 UTC on 21 March 2023.

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